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Training Evaluation Form

In Skills4EOSC we strive to provide high quality training and continuous improve our training activities. To be able to achieve that your feedback is very important to us.

Please take a moment of your time to fill out the evaluation of the Open Licenses for Data, Software and Code. It will only take a minute.

Training rating

Overall, the training provided was

  • Excellent
  • Very good
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor

Training aspects rating

Let us know what was your experience regarding different training aspects:

Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
I achieved the learning objectives.
The training was clear and easy to follow.
The learning materials were clear.
The learning content was relevant.
The time allotted for the training was well chosen.
The trainers were well prepared.
The training activities were relevant.

Acquired knowledge rating

How would you rate your level of knowledge on the topic before and after the training.

None Newbie Basic Advanced Expert
My skills level before the training
My skills level after the training


In your opinion

  • the most useful part of the training is [free text]
  • the least useful part of the training is [free text]
  • the training could have been improved by [free text]